

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” ~ Thomas Dylan



Hola! I am Abhishek Agrawal from Odisha, India. Presently I am working as a Consultant in the silicon valley of India. I am a man of all crafts, but master of none. Ideator, Design thinker, Software engineer, Blogger, Merrymaker, Adventurer, Biker, Influencer and Wonderer of the why of things. I am one of the people who love the why of things. I like exploring the wild, scrawling away anything on the paper that goes on in my mind, the feel of wind on my face, smell of fresh paper, scent of the damp sand just after the first rains of the season, the roar of an engine, listening to music, gaming, little excursions with my friends and many more small little things that makes me smile and blends joy in my life.  When I play any outdoor game its always Football..!!!  I am an avid fan of FC Barcelona…I am a full-time non-argentine Messi preacher. My other favourites include Hernandez Xavi, David Villa, Carlos Tevez and ofcourse Andres Iniesta. I have always been interested in music and I picked up learning how to play a Guitar (a string musical instrument) during my college days but I never gave it enough time to be any good at it, but I never fail to mention it at every given opportunity. I am also a freelance writer cum poet at my blog “Stringed Words” and a self proclaimed metalhead or headbanger. My favourite authors include: (Sires/Ma’ams) Mario Puzo, William Sydney Porter( O. Henry), R.K. Narayan, Ruskin Bond, Charles Dickens, Paulo Coelho, Enid Blyton, Alfred Hitchcock, Oscar Wilde, Dan Brown, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, J.K. Rowling, Danielle Steel, Shidney Sheldon and ofcourse Shakespeare. My Blog is all about my personal experiences, thoughts, my writings, anything that I feel strongly about.. sometimes prose, sometimes poetry.. sometimes narration, sometimes acclaimation.. sometimes critic, sometimes praise.. sometimes warm, sometimes cool.. sometimes breeze, sometimes storm.. sometimes peace, sometimes rage.. sometimes facts, sometimes myths.. sometimes classical,  sometimes rock.. sometimes symphony and sometimes metal! I hope you enjoy reading my posts! 🙂  Do leave your thoughts as well in the comments. Thank You.

“The years thunder by, The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie
caked in dust on the shelves of patience. Before we know it, the tomb is
Sterling Hayden

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