Ubuntu restricted extras metapackage

The first thing you probably need to do after a fresh Ubuntu installation is to install “Ubuntu restricted extras“. This package contains all the helpful and essential software for playing your regular media files, Continue reading

New Life Starts Now

The last of the college days were passing bringing with it the doom of being jobless and pushed out there into the open and wild, exposed to the naked eye, to be examined and judged by everybody and tolerate their snide comments with smirk expressions, to be laid bare bones in front of the society and to be laden with thorned flowers celebrating the defeat and failure of not triumphing when the world expects you to. Continue reading

Disguised Optimist

I have loved computers since I first rammed my tubby fingers on the keyboard. The visual display and the output in cognition to my input was magical.
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My dream business powered by Office 365

Business is more exciting than any game. – Lord Beaverbrook

Some business ideas come from a long-held dream to turn a fun hobby into a profitable life’s work. I am a hardcore gamer. I love playing games on my computer since when I was a little boy. Continue reading